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Mikkeller Baghaven: Refsaesoen Abrikos 0,75l

Kód: 11239
709 Kč / ks
Skladem (1 ks)
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Oak Fermented Rustic Danish Shipyard Ale with fresh Apricots. 

"This Rustic Danish Shipyard Ale starts with a grist of all Danish barley malt, raw barley, unmated wheat, rye malt, malted and unmated spelt, and buckwheat. It was open fermented with our mixed culture of yeast and bacteria for 5 days before it was transferred to a European oak foeder. ⁠
After maturing for 10 months in the foeder, we macerated it on a blend of delicate and aromatic French Bergeron and Milord apricots. After maceration was complete, we racked the beer to a stainless steel tank to naturally clarify before being packaged in green 75 cL champagne bottles.⁠
Refsæsøen Abrikos has a lively carbonation as one would come to expect from our Rustic Danish Shipyard Ales."

Blend #1.

Aged for 10 months. 

Detailní popis produktu

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Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Dánské pivo
Objem (ml): 750
? Typ obalu: lahev
Stupňovitost: 16
Alkohol (%): 6,5
Styl: BA Farmhouse Ale w/Abricots
Složení: voda, SLAD, upravený chmel, meruňky
Legislativní označení: Pivo silné svrchně kvašené světlé ochucené

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