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2196 položek celkem
Omnipollo Konx 330
99 Kč / ks

This beer has taken a year to develop and with a hopping rate equal to our IPAs  and an expressive yeast blend, this beer is a true delight.

119 Kč / ks

Švédský pivovar Omnipollo slaví již 10 let své existence a k této příležitosti si nadělil čtyři nečekaně normální piva v sérii Legacy :) Jedním z nich je tento India Pale Ale se...

119 Kč / ks

Švédský pivovar Omnipollo slaví již 10 let své existence a k této příležitosti si nadělil čtyři nečekaně normální piva v sérii Legacy :) Jedním z nich je tento Pale Ale, který...

219 Kč / ks

Neskutečná kombinace, která vás vystřelí do vesmíru. Mango Space Food je Double Milkshake IPA s mangem, sušenkami, cukrovou vatou a vanilkou. Pořádně hutné a jemné tělo s...

Omnipollo Maz bottle 330
99 Kč / ks

Omnipollo Maz (formerly Mazarin) is my take on a “thinker’s beer”. Rather than being big and undecipherably complex I wanted to create something that would calm a hop yearning...

Omnipollo Maz plech 330
99 Kč / ks

Omnipollo Maz (formerly Mazarin) is my take on a “thinker’s beer”. Rather than being big and undecipherably complex I wanted to create something that would calm a hop yearning...

Omnipollo Moebius 440
239 Kč / ks

“Moe”. A wise man once told me that success makes you tired, fat and slow. Therefore, winning Best of Show at the third largest beer festival in the world last month meant I had...

Omnipollo Nebuchadnezzar 330
109 Kč / ks

With its attractive golden-amber body and generous white head, Nebuchadnezzar Double IPA is one of legendary Swedish Craft Brewery Omnipollo's oldest and best-loved...

109 Kč / ks

Nealkoholický Pale Ale s šípkem, inspirovaný sladkou švédskou polévkou, oblíbenou především u dětí.

Omnipollo Original Chocolate Icecream 440
239 Kč / ks

This is the Original Ice Cream. Brewed with heaps of malted oats and conditioned on one vanilla bean per two liters of beer the sensation of vanilla ice cream is unmistakable....

Omnipollo Pineapple Pizza Space Cookie 440
239 Kč / ks

Omnipollo × Monkish. Our latest iteration of our dreamy collaboration with Monkish. Inspired by everyone's favorite pizza, the pineapple pizza. Handfuls of Mosaic and Citra hops...

Omnipollo SpaceFood 330
179 Kč / ks

Space food. Our crush with Tired Hands and Monkish is real fire money milk. This Space Food Cotton Candy Piña Colada Space Cookie Double Milkshake IPA was brewed with cookies,...

Omnipollo Squares 330
109 Kč / ks

The continuous search for the perfect balance in an American Pale Ale led us to work with Idaho 7 and Citra hops to form a beer that despite the name has a beautiful round...

amnipolo 3
119 Kč / ks

Stars je American Pale Ale oslavující americké chmely Azacca a Citra, které mu dodávají tóny ananasu a citrusů. Jemné tělo, 5,5 % alkoholu a nálož ovocných vůní a chutí dělají...

nevim (
119 Kč / ks

Stripes je osvěžující American Pale Ale oslavující americký chmel Strata, který se vyznačuje výrazně ovocným charakterem, nejvíce připomínajícím lesní plody. S pouhými 5,5 %...

amnipolo 5
199 Kč / ks

Kombinace extra chmelených piv a sladkých chutí není pro Omnipollo ničím novým. Do této intenzivně nachmelené šťavnaté Triple New England IPA s 10 % alkoholu sládci přidali...

Omnipollo Trickier ThanYourAverage 440
249 Kč / ks

Our take on our Other Half collaboration Sicker Than Your Average, a big quadruple crème brûlée imperial IPA with a careful selection of only the finest types of vanilla we...

Omnipollo ZelatorLollipop 330
179 Kč / ks

A continuation of a lollipop interpretation of a (triple) IPA that we brew in collaboration with parts of our Gothenburg family. Morgondagens, Dugges, and Duckpond brewing....

Omnipollo Zodiak 330
99 Kč / ks

Our house IPA. A blend of grains, untouched post fermentation and aspiringly hopped with Simcoe, Citra and Centennial.

Omnipollo CoveredInPuppies 440
239 Kč / ks

Omnipollo × Trillium. The label design was inspired by Karl & Kevin's favorite artist when they were kids: MC Escher. Karl and Kevin were able to fully realize the...

OuterRange InTheSteep NewEnglandIPA 467 11347
Permon AngryBeer2 500
69 Kč / ks

Angry Beer je nadupaný kousek uvařený ve stylu Imperial IPA. Vyniká tmavě měděnou barvou a vůní s nádechem karamelu, sušeného ovoce a pečených toastů. V chuti dominuje výrazná...

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